Sunday so adorable

Many of you know that my friend Sarah has adopted a new kitten, Ollie. You got to see a pic of him last Sunday and a couple more Wednesday, and now you get to see even more (I’ve posted several of them on Facebook and Threads, but not here yet). He really is too cute for words. I love my fur-nephews!

The first text I sent to Sarah when I got to her house last Saturday.
Clearly, working with Ollie around can be a challenge. Photo by Sarah Kinsey.
Friday was cat-cuddling day. I liked Friday.
He likes Greek yogurt. This was sweetened and had mix-ins, so I didn’t let him have any till the end.
A different approach to this toy, but that’s OK.
Charlie’s still not sure what to think of this little guy. I had to eh-eh Charlie a few times Friday and Saturday, but the hissing seems to have stopped for the most part. They’ll get there.
This is how Charlie does it, right?
The guy-liner just kills me.
I’ve been making sure to have one-on-one time with Charlie. Sometimes, though, Ollie shows up too.
Charlie was a little concerned this past weekend when Ollie started climbing HIS cat tree (he stopped on the level with the hammock under the top level). I tried getting pics of Ollie in the hammock, but he wouldn’t stay still long enough for them to be anything but a blur.
This boy already knows how to pose.