Who loves their country?

I think loving my country, not an ideology or a politician, makes me patriotic, and I don’t think I’m alone in that.

Just before the Fourth of July this year, I ran a column on patriotism. I had so hoped that perhaps we might have improved at least a little bit since then, but alas, no.

Salute the flag as you will. What matters is your love for your fellow countrymen. GIF found on giphy.

My Facebook feed and comment boards elsewhere are still filled with people questioning the patriotism of those who don’t hold their political beliefs and deciding that since those people don’t share their beliefs, they obviously hate our country and should leave.

Really? You’re going to make me pull out the patriotism bit again?

OK, you asked for it.

A patriot can love her country and still criticize it when it does wrong. A nationalist believes his country does no wrong. Image found on The Hill.

Patriotism does not mean you stand behind a leader or a political party. It means loving your country, and sometimes that means calling out its bad behavior, just as a parent would that of a rebellious child. A parent wants the best for a child, and sometimes the best thing is discipline and acknowledgment of faults; without it, how can the child grow?

Not everyone wants to deal with someone else’s brats that were never told “no.”

Teddy probably would not think kindly of the current administration. Image found on theodore-roosevelt.com.

Teddy Roosevelt, one of my favorite presidents (despite his faults, which like others shouldn’t be judged according to today’s standards), wrote in a May 1918 essay, “Lincoln and Free Speech,” in Metropolitan Magazine (you guys should have this memorized by now):

“Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does not mean to stand by the president or any other public official save exactly to the degree in which he himself stands by the country. It is patriotic to support him in so far as he efficiently serves the country. It is unpatriotic not to oppose him to the exact extent that by inefficiency or otherwise he fails in his duty to stand by the country. In either event it is unpatriotic not to tell the truth—whether about the president or about anyone else—save in the rare cases where this would make known to the enemy information of military value which would otherwise be unknown to him.”

“Lincoln and Free Speech,” by Theodore Roosevelt, Metropolitan Magazine, May 1918.
This has been a public service announcement from rational people everywhere. Image found on Scientific American.

If any leader casts him- or herself as the only person who can say who loves their country (or for that matter, that only they can fix what’s wrong), you probably shouldn’t be listening to that leader. America is made up of many different people with diverging opinions and beliefs, and Americans who love their country aren’t instantly unpatriotic because they question the current leadership, whether that’s Barack Obama, Abraham Lincoln, Donald Trump or Sparky the Wonder Turtle (though to be fair, Sparky knows patriotism).

As Roosevelt said, it’s unpatriotic not to tell the truth or oppose ineffective leadership when it comes to our country. The good of the country as a whole is what matters, not whether someone wins or loses.

Unless it’s Sparky who loses. Dude bites. Hard.

Sparky’s a little upset that you don’t know who he is, and have mixed him up with other “Sparky the Wonder [blank]s.” Image found on Dickinson County (Iowa) Conservation Board.

So to be clear, here are a few things that don’t mean someone is unpatriotic and hates America: Protesting against the president, racial or gender equality, or just about anything that isn’t the actual United States of America. Kneeling instead of standing for the national anthem; turning your back on the flag or mocking it or the anthem is far more disrespectful than kneeling, which is a sign of reverence. Campaigning for the opposition or listening to what it has to say so that you can make an informed choice. Allowing other people to voice their own opinions without shutting them down and insisting that only your side is right (I think stealing campaign yard signs would qualify here … plus it’s just petty … and in some cases simply adds more money to the campaign coffers of the people whose signs were stolen … so there).

Soooo … would that be like a poly-cotton blend? Image found on RegressiveWatch.

We see a lot of situational patriotism nowadays, where it’s patriotic if one party does it (Tea Party protests) but not if another does it (Women’s March, BLM, etc.). You know in your heart that that’s not right, and remember that even Lincoln questioned the actions of the country in his second inaugural speech, affirming that the nation should live up to and be judged by its highest principles.

I’m fairly sure that those highest principles don’t include declaring that if you don’t like who’s in charge you should just leave. I’m guessing that should Joe Biden win the election that the people who don’t like him (some for reasons that aren’t even true) won’t be packing their bags to leave. Besides, it’s not like Americans can go anywhere right now anyway.

A sight that always makes me feel at home.

Americans by birth and by naturalization love this country and are just as entitled to it as anyone else. They’ve made friends, careers, a whole life here. Just like you, they have favorite spots, like Petit Jean or Pinnacle Mountain, or way out in rural Dayton, Ark. Disagreeing with someone over politics is no reason to leave the country or to tell someone else to leave. Leave the dinner table at Thanksgiving, maybe, but not the country.

Besides, who knows what the country will get up to if the parents go away for the weekend? Will they come back to police lights and a trashed house?

And who’s gonna clean up all the toilet paper and beer cans? I don’t drink, so the beer cans are on you guys.


Yes, they do, and I’m ashamed I let concern for my profession outweigh concern for my country. Photo by Artem Podrez on Pexels.com

I didn’t vote in 2016. I hadn’t actually registered until a couple of years ago, not because I don’t love my country, but because I didn’t want people to make assumptions about me because of my profession.

Silly me. That’s all they do with me and my colleagues, and very few get it anywhere close to right; while there are a lot of liberals who work in news, there are a lot of conservatives, libertarians, independents and apolitical people as well … ya know, kinda like the country.

The election of 2016 convinced me I needed to get off my ample derriere and do the right thing, and I voted in 2018. This Saturday I plan to drop off my absentee ballot for this election at the courthouse drive-through line. By the time I start on next week’s column, I’ll have done my patriotic duty and voted for what I think is best, which may not be what others, even in my own family, believe is right for this country (My mom wasn’t happy that I didn’t vote a straight ticket, and I won’t this year either).

And if things don’t go the way I hope, I’ll still fight for this country, because I love it, and I have no intention of leaving anytime soon.

All my stuff’s here. Plus, I know where everything I like is. You don’t want to get between me and my Yarnell’s or Blue Bell.

The best chocolate ice cream other than real homemade, Yarnell’s, based in Searcy. It’s a little chilly for it right now, but it’ll get warm again. Image from Yarnells.com.