Sunday happy …

Sure, I’m sitting here with an ice pack on my knee and there’s a lot in the world to be sad or angry about, but there are also things to be happy about.

In that vein, I’m going to try to do something like this each Sunday to wrap up the weekend and hopefully head into Monday with a little bit of a better mood.

Have suggestions? Send ’em my way!

Just a few reasons to be happy today:

Yeah, yeah. Grrr, argh!

Yeah, yeah. Grrr, argh!

What?? Why is there a cat on my porch?

What?? Why is there a cat on my porch?

Whaaaa??? And now she's grooming herself? Moooommm!

Whaaaa??? And now she’s grooming herself? Moooommm!











Goofy animals. Senor Pantalones is 11 now, but he still acts like a kitten half the time.

Even when he’s a little grumpy, he’s still adorable (and sometimes adorkable).


That these aren’t still style rules most copy editors go by. Speaking of Senor Pantalones, there was once a rule that you couldn’t use the word “pants” instead of “pantaloons” in newspaper copy.

873523William Cullen Bryant’s Index Expurgatorius was basically a compendium of words that got on his last nerve, but the 19th Century norms have mostly fallen away.

The pants rule cracks me up, but so does the idea that the word “taboo” is … you guessed it … taboo.

So, hey, if you’re all up in arms over the more than/over capitulation by the AP Stylebook, count yourself lucky. You could be making a big deal about pants.



That you weren’t responsible for this typo.

Image from

Image from


And if that doesn’t work, there’s always Pharrell Williams’ “Happy,” which is impossible for me to listen to without smiling and doing a little dance, even if only while sitting down. Infectious, reminds me a bit of James Brown at his grooviest and hookiest …

Like “Bohemian Rhapsody,” it’s an earworm I don’t mind having.