Sunday somber

We'll never forget. Editorial cartoon by Mike Lane.

We’ll never forget.
Editorial cartoon by Mike Lane.

Fifteen years ago today, I stood in the newsroom and watched the TVs with co-workers as we watched the towers fall on a sunny Tuesday morning.

On this day, we remember those who died on Sept. 11, 2001, and all the days after as a result of the attacks, whether directly or indirectly.

Silliness will return next Sunday.

Even cats get the blues.

This is my somber face, Mom.

6 thoughts on “Sunday somber

  1. We all remember where we were. I was driving to the university to teach my classes. I heard the news of the first plane while getting coffee at a convenience store. We all assumed it was an accident. I turned the car radio on for the rest of the trip to work and learned of the second crash and the growing awareness that it was all intentional.

    At each of my classes, I checked to be sure the students were handling it okay–a few hadn’t heard of it, so I got to break the news to them. Then I dismissed class early.

    I also remember exactly where and how I learned about Kennedy’s assassination and–to date myself further–where and when I learned of Stalin’s death.

    I would like to think these things stick with us for some positive purpose, but I don’t know.


    • I think it might be, on the larger scale, to help remind us not to make the mistakes of the past. Of course, humans are notorious for obliviousness (and some might say stupidity). But perhaps it’s simply a reminder that life is fleeting and we should make sure those we love know we love them.

      I was at school and we were watching TV (I think Electric Company) when Reagan was shot. I was home sick from school on the day the Challenger blew up, and was watching it then.

      For so many others, I was in a newsroom … Oklahoma City, the Westside shootings, 9/11 … I hate to think, especially in the current atmosphere, what will happen next.


      • I was visiting a friend when I learned about JFK, and when I eventually went outside, I had this strange curiosity about whether the laws all still were in effect. I saw that cars were still driving on the right-hand side and everything else seemed to be normal, but there was that initial moment of not being sure.


  2. I was on my way to Joplin, Missouri to visit with my aunt Jerrie. I left my house just about the same time the first plane crashed into the World Trade Center. I wasn’t listening to my car radio. Instead I was listening to some music CD’s which I had brought with me. I did not know what had happened until I arrived at my aunt’s place near Joplin and she told me what had been going on that day.


    • I would almost rather it be that way for most of these things. I think those of us watching as it happened start “remembering” things that didn’t happen, things that weren’t said, etc. If a study confirmed that propensity, I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised. We love to comfort ourselves with pet narratives, and can hardly be objective about everything.


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